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Servants All...Our kids serve communion


Updated: Mar 26, 2019

What if there is a wiggly little guy sitting in the pew for the first time? He's been so good. He's really interested. He's never been to church before and his mom has her hands full with two other little ones. What happens? Our Pastor takes him by the hand and asks him to help serve communion.

What if there is a little girl sitting with her grandmother in the choir and she is really curious about what's on that table? It looks like it might have food on it. Her stomach is growling. She heard the minister say that everyone is welcome. So...when the minister lifts the bread and says those special words, "This is my body broken for you" why can't she come down and smell that good homemade bread? Why can't she help break it in two like we do every time we have communion? And why can't she carry a chunk of that bread to her grandmother, to the organist, to the choir director and to all the members of the choir who have been so good about welcome her and making her feel at home.

We at North Parish are educators, parents, grandparents and we get it. Children learn by doing. And so when a child wants to help, we welcome them. When a child has a question we try to answer it or we ask them what they think. When a child has a broken heart and wants to say a prayer for their kitty who has just died, of course, we say a prayer with and for that little one who is just learning what it means to say good-bye to someone they love.

Worship is the work of the people and at North Parish we believe children are people too.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs." Luke 18:16




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